UNIAPT integrates smart contract functionalities for automating various processes within the blockchain. This includes creating and executing contracts for in-game transactions, digital asset management, and other decentralized applications.
(Solidity for Ethereum-based smart contracts):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract GameAssetContract {addresspublic owner;constructor() { owner = msg.sender; }functioncreateGameAsset(stringmemory assetName,uint256 assetValue) public {// Code to create a new game asset }functiontransferAsset(address to,uint256 assetId) public {// Code for transferring asset ownership }}
2. Cryptocurrency Wallet Integration
The project incorporates cryptocurrency wallet integration, enabling users to conduct transactions using digital currencies within the game environment.
3. NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Creation and Management
UNIAPT enables the creation, buying, selling, and trading of NFTs, representing unique in-game items or assets. This integration allows players to have true ownership of digital assets verified on the blockchain.
The platform uses blockchain data analytics for understanding transaction patterns, player behavior, and asset flow within the game.
(Python for blockchain data analysis):
from web3 import Web3web3 =Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider('http://localhost:8545'))defanalyzeTransactions(blockNumber): block = web3.eth.getBlock(blockNumber, full_transactions=True)for tx in block.transactions:print(f'Transaction Hash: {tx.hash} Value: {web3.fromWei(tx.value, "ether")}')analyzeTransactions(123456)# Example block number
UNIAPT integrates DAO functionalities for community governance, allowing players and stakeholders to vote on key game decisions and updates.
(Solidity for DAO contract):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract GameDAO {mapping(address=>uint) public votingPower;functionvoteOnUpdate(uint updateId,bool approve) public {uint power = votingPower[msg.sender];require(power >0,"No voting power");// Logic for recording votes and implementing changes }functiondelegateVotingPower(address delegate,uint power) public {// Logic for delegating voting power to other addresses }}
6. Blockchain-Based Game Asset Exchange
The project enables a blockchain-based exchange system for trading in-game assets securely and transparently.
Utilizing smart contract events to trigger in-game activities or updates. This integration ensures that certain game actions are aligned with blockchain events.
(JavaScript for event monitoring):
constWeb3=require('web3');constweb3=newWeb3(Web3.givenProvider);constgameContract=newweb3.eth.Contract(gameContractABI, gameContractAddress);gameContract.events.AssetCreated({ fromBlock:'latest'},function(error, event) {if (error) {console.log(error); } else {console.log('New Asset Created: ',event.returnValues);// Logic to handle the new asset in the game }});
8. Tokenomics and In-Game Economy Management
Managing the game's economy using blockchain-based tokens, allowing for transparent and fair economic transactions within the game ecosystem.
(Solidity for token-based economy):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";contractGameTokenisERC20 {constructor(uint256 initialSupply) ERC20("GameToken", "GTN") {_mint(msg.sender, initialSupply); }functionrewardPlayer(address player,uint256 amount) public {// Logic for rewarding players with tokens }}
9. Staking Mechanism for In-Game Assets
Implementing a staking system where players can stake their in-game assets or tokens to earn rewards or in-game advantages.
(Solidity for asset staking):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract AssetStaking {mapping(address=>uint256) public stakedAssets;functionstakeAssets(uint256 assetId,uint256 duration) public {// Logic for staking assets stakedAssets[msg.sender] += assetId;// Further logic for duration-based staking }functionclaimRewards(address player) public {// Logic for calculating and claiming staking rewards }}
10. Decentralized Marketplaces for Trading Game Assets
Enabling players to trade in-game assets in a decentralized marketplace using blockchain technology for secure and transparent transactions.
(Solidity for a decentralized marketplace):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"./GameAssetContract.sol";contract DecentralizedMarketplace { GameAssetContract gameAssetContract;functionlistAssetForSale(uint256 assetId,uint256 price) public {// Logic for listing an asset for sale }functionpurchaseAsset(uint256 assetId) publicpayable {// Logic for purchasing a listed asset }}
11. Blockchain-Based Voting System for Game Decisions
Incorporating a voting system where players can vote on game updates, new features, or community-driven content using blockchain for fair and transparent voting.
(Solidity for blockchain voting):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract GameVoting {mapping(uint256=>mapping(address=>bool)) public votes;mapping(uint256=>uint256) public voteCounts;functioncastVote(uint256 proposalId,bool vote) public {require(!votes[proposalId][msg.sender],"Already voted"); votes[proposalId][msg.sender] =true;if (vote) { voteCounts[proposalId]++; } }functiontallyVotes(uint256 proposalId) publicviewreturns (bool) {// Logic for tallying votes and determining outcome }}
12. Smart Contract-Based Game Achievements and Rewards
Using smart contracts to manage and distribute in-game achievements and rewards, ensuring a transparent and tamper-proof system.
(Solidity for achievement tracking):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract GameAchievements {mapping(address=>mapping(string=>bool)) public achievements;functionawardAchievement(address player,stringmemory achievementId) public { achievements[player][achievementId] =true;// Additional logic for awarding rewards based on achievements }}
13. Blockchain-Based Licensing and Access Control
Managing game licenses and access control through blockchain, allowing for secure and verifiable ownership of game copies or premium features.
(Solidity for licensing):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract GameLicense {mapping(address=>bool) public validLicenses;functionpurchaseLicense(address player) publicpayable {// Logic for purchasing and activating a game license validLicenses[player] =true; }functionverifyLicense(address player) publicviewreturns (bool) {return validLicenses[player]; }}
14. Tokenized In-Game Economy with Custom Tokens
Creating a tokenized economy within the game using custom ERC-20 tokens, facilitating in-game purchases, transactions, and rewards.
(Solidity for custom token economy):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";contractGameEconomyTokenisERC20 {constructor(uint256 initialSupply) ERC20("GameToken", "GAMT") {_mint(msg.sender, initialSupply); }functionrewardPlayer(address player,uint256 amount) public {_mint(player, amount);// Logic for minting and distributing tokens as rewards }}
15. In-Game Asset Lending and Borrowing System
Allowing players to lend or borrow in-game assets through a secure, blockchain-based system.
(Solidity for asset lending):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract AssetLending {structLoan {address borrower;uint256 assetId;uint256 dueDate; }mapping(uint256=> Loan) public activeLoans;functionlendAsset(uint256 assetId,address borrower,uint256 duration) public {// Logic for lending assets activeLoans[assetId] =Loan(borrower, assetId, block.timestamp + duration); }functionreturnAsset(uint256 assetId) public {// Logic for returning lent assetsdelete activeLoans[assetId]; }}
16. Cross-Game Asset Transferability
Enabling transfer of in-game assets across different games within the UNIAPT ecosystem, leveraging blockchain for secure and verifiable transactions.
(Solidity for cross-game transfers):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract CrossGameAssetTransfer {functiontransferAssetToGame(uint256 assetId,address gameAddress) public {// Logic for transferring asset ownership to another game }functionreceiveAssetFromGame(uint256 assetId,address fromGameAddress) public {// Logic for receiving transferred asset from another game }}
17. Blockchain-Based Random Number Generation (RNG)
Implementing a decentralized RNG system for game events, ensuring fairness and unpredictability in gameplay.
(Solidity for blockchain RNG):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract BlockchainRNG {functiongetRandomNumber(uint256 seed) publicviewreturns (uint256) {returnuint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp, seed)));// Returns a pseudo-random number based on the block timestamp and a seed }}
18. Decentralized Identity Verification
Verifying player identities in a secure and privacy-preserving manner using blockchain technology.
(Solidity for identity verification):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract IdentityVerification {mapping(address=>bool) public verifiedPlayers;functionverifyPlayerIdentity(address player,stringmemory credentials) public {// Logic for verifying player identity verifiedPlayers[player] =true; }}
19. Blockchain-Based Leaderboards and Rankings
Recording and displaying player rankings and scores on a decentralized leaderboard to ensure transparency and immutability.
(Solidity for leaderboards):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract GameLeaderboard {structPlayerScore {address player;uint256 score; } PlayerScore[] public leaderboard;functionupdateLeaderboard(address player,uint256 score) public {// Logic for updating the leaderboard leaderboard.push(PlayerScore(player, score)); }}
20. Smart Contract for In-Game Governance
Facilitating in-game governance decisions, like game updates and rule changes, through community voting using smart contracts.
(Solidity for governance):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract InGameGovernance {mapping(uint=>mapping(address=>bool)) public votes;mapping(uint=>uint) public proposalVotes;functionproposeChange(stringmemory changeDescription) publicreturns (uint) {// Logic for proposing a change }functionvoteOnProposal(uint proposalId,bool vote) public {// Logic for voting on a proposed change }}
21. Fractional Ownership of In-Game Assets
Enabling players to own fractions of high-value in-game assets, democratizing asset ownership.
(Solidity for fractional ownership):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract FractionalAssetOwnership {structAssetFraction {address owner;uint256 fraction; }mapping(uint256=> AssetFraction[]) public assetFractions;functioncreateFractionalOwnership(uint256 assetId,uint256 fractions) public {// Logic for dividing an asset into fractionsfor (uint256 i =0; i < fractions; i++) { assetFractions[assetId].push(AssetFraction(msg.sender,1/ fractions)); } }}
22. Blockchain-Enforced Digital Scarcity
Implementing digital scarcity for unique or limited-edition in-game items using blockchain to enhance value and exclusivity.
(Solidity for digital scarcity):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract DigitalScarcity {uint256publicconstant MAX_SUPPLY =1000;uint256public currentSupply;functionmintLimitedEditionItem() public {require(currentSupply < MAX_SUPPLY,"Max supply reached");// Logic for minting a limited-edition item currentSupply++; }}
23. Token-Based Access Control for Premium Content
Controlling access to premium in-game content through token ownership, ensuring only token holders can access certain features or areas.
(Solidity for token-based access):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract PremiumContentAccess { IERC20 public accessToken;functionaccessPremiumContent() public {require(accessToken.balanceOf(msg.sender) >0,"Access token required");// Logic for accessing premium content }}
24. Decentralized In-Game Messaging System
Facilitating secure and private in-game communication between players using blockchain for message integrity and privacy.
(Solidity for decentralized messaging):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract InGameMessaging {eventMessageSent(addressindexed sender, addressindexed receiver, string message);functionsendMessage(address receiver,stringmemory message) public {emitMessageSent(msg.sender, receiver, message);// Logic for sending a decentralized message }}
25. Blockchain-Based Game Progress Tracking
Storing and validating player progress on the blockchain to prevent tampering and ensure fair play.
(Solidity for progress tracking):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract GameProgressTracking {mapping(address=>uint256) public playerProgress;functionupdateProgress(address player,uint256 progress) public {// Logic for updating player progress playerProgress[player] = progress; }}
26. Smart Contracts for Dynamic In-Game Advertising
Integrating blockchain-based smart contracts to manage dynamic in-game advertising, ensuring transparency and fair compensation.
(Solidity for in-game advertising):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract InGameAdvertising {structAdvertisement {string content;uint256 duration;address advertiser; } Advertisement[] public advertisements;functioncreateAdvertisement(stringmemory content,uint256 duration) publicpayable {// Logic for creating and paying for an advertisement advertisements.push(Advertisement(content, duration, msg.sender)); }}
27. Cross-Platform Blockchain Rewards System
Rewarding players with blockchain-based tokens or assets that can be used or redeemed across various platforms within the UNIAPT ecosystem.
(Solidity for cross-platform rewards):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract CrossPlatformRewards { IERC20 public rewardToken;functionrewardPlayer(address player,uint256 amount) public {// Logic for rewarding players with cross-platform tokens rewardToken.transfer(player, amount); }}
28. Decentralized Anti-Cheat Mechanism
Implementing a blockchain-based system to ensure fair play and prevent cheating in the game.
(Solidity for anti-cheat mechanism):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract AntiCheatSystem {mapping(address=>bool) public bannedPlayers;functionreportCheat(address cheater) public {// Logic for reporting and verifying cheat incidents bannedPlayers[cheater] =true; // Simplified banning logic }}
29. Dynamic NFT-Based Game Mechanics
Utilizing NFTs to represent dynamic in-game elements that evolve based on player actions or game events.
(Solidity for dynamic NFTs):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";contractDynamicGameNFTisERC721 {structGameItem {uint256 level;string attributes; }mapping(uint256=> GameItem) public gameItems;functionupgradeItem(uint256 tokenId) public {// Logic for upgrading the NFT item GameItem storage item = gameItems[tokenId]; item.level++; }}
30. Blockchain-Enabled Player Reputation System
Building a reputation system where player actions and behavior contribute to their blockchain-based reputation score.
(Solidity for reputation system):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract PlayerReputation {mapping(address=>uint256) public reputationScore;functionincreaseReputation(address player,uint256 amount) public {// Logic for increasing player's reputation reputationScore[player] += amount; }}
31. Interoperable Game Assets Across Different Blockchains
Facilitating the movement and use of in-game assets across different blockchain networks.
(Solidity for asset interoperability):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract InteroperableAssets {functiontransferAssetToDifferentBlockchain(uint256 assetId,address blockchainAddress) public {// Logic for transferring assets to another blockchain }functionreceiveAssetFromDifferentBlockchain(uint256 assetId,address fromBlockchainAddress) public {// Logic for receiving assets from another blockchain }}
32. Smart Contract for Time-Locked Game Features
Unlocking certain game features or content based on predefined time constraints using smart contracts.
(Solidity for time-locked features):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract TimeLockedFeatures {uint256public unlockTime;functionunlockFeature() publicviewreturns (bool) {return block.timestamp >= unlockTime;// Returns true if the current time is greater than or equal to the unlock time }}
33. Decentralized Game Funding and Investment Platform
Enabling players and investors to fund game development or in-game projects through a blockchain-based platform.
(Solidity for game funding):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract GameFunding {mapping(address=>uint256) public investments;functioninvestInGame() publicpayable {// Logic for investing in the game investments[msg.sender] += msg.value; }functionwithdrawInvestment(uint256 amount) public {// Logic for withdrawing investmentsrequire(investments[msg.sender] >= amount,"Insufficient balance");payable(msg.sender).transfer(amount); investments[msg.sender] -= amount; }}
34. Blockchain-Powered Dynamic Game World Generation
Using blockchain data to procedurally generate game worlds and environments, ensuring unique and diverse experiences.
(Solidity for world generation):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract DynamicWorldGeneration {functiongenerateGameWorld(uint256 seed) publicviewreturns (stringmemory) {// Logic for generating a game world based on a blockchain seedreturnkeccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp, seed)).toString(); }}
35. Blockchain-Based Resource Management System
Managing in-game resources such as inventory, assets, and energy using blockchain to ensure secure and transparent transactions.
(Solidity for resource management):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract ResourceManagement {mapping(address=>uint256) public playerResources;functionallocateResource(address player,uint256 amount) public {// Logic for allocating resources to players playerResources[player] += amount; }functionconsumeResource(address player,uint256 amount) public {// Logic for consuming player resourcesrequire(playerResources[player] >= amount,"Insufficient resources"); playerResources[player] -= amount; }}
36. Decentralized In-Game Event Management
Orchestrating in-game events and challenges through smart contracts, ensuring fair and transparent event execution.
(Solidity for event management):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract InGameEvent {structEvent {string description;uint256 startTime;uint256 endTime; }mapping(uint256=> Event) public events;functioncreateEvent(uint256 eventId,stringmemory description,uint256 duration) public {// Logic for creating and scheduling in-game events events[eventId] =Event(description, block.timestamp, block.timestamp + duration); }}
37. Smart Contract for Player Guilds and Communities
Facilitating the creation and management of player guilds and communities within the game using blockchain for governance and membership.
(Solidity for guild management):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract PlayerGuild {mapping(address=>bool) public guildMembers;addresspublic guildMaster;functionaddMember(address member) public {// Logic for adding members to the guildrequire(msg.sender == guildMaster,"Only guild master can add members"); guildMembers[member] =true; }functionremoveMember(address member) public {// Logic for removing members from the guildrequire(msg.sender == guildMaster,"Only guild master can remove members"); guildMembers[member] =false; }}
38. Token-Based In-Game Voting Mechanism
Implementing a voting system for game decisions where players use tokens to cast votes, promoting fair and decentralized decision-making.
(Solidity for token-based voting):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;import"@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";contract TokenBasedVoting { IERC20 public votingToken;mapping(uint256=>mapping(address=>uint256)) public votes;functioncastVote(uint256 proposalId,uint256 tokenAmount) public {// Logic for casting votes using tokens votingToken.transferFrom(msg.sender,address(this), tokenAmount); votes[proposalId][msg.sender] += tokenAmount; }}
39. Blockchain-Driven Dynamic Weather System
Utilizing blockchain data to dynamically change in-game weather and environmental conditions, enhancing gameplay realism.
(Solidity for weather system):
pragmasolidity ^0.8.0;contract DynamicWeather {functiongetCurrentWeather(uint256 seed) publicviewreturns (stringmemory) {// Logic for determining in-game weather based on a blockchain seeduint256 weatherCode =uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp, seed))) % 100;if (weatherCode <50) return"Sunny";elsereturn"Rainy"; }}
These additional code examples further highlight the versatility and depth of blockchain integrations in UNIAPT, covering aspects from resource management and event orchestration to guild governance, token-based voting, and dynamic weather systems. Each integration leverages blockchain technology to enhance the gaming experience, ensuring security, fairness, and innovative gameplay features.